If you’re like most of us, you’ve probably heard some pretty wild old wives’ tales about baby’s hair. From cutting to combing, there are all sorts of things that people say can affect your little one’s locks. Today, we’re counting down the top 10 most unbelievable old wives’ tales about baby hair. Get ready to be shook!
If you shave your baby’s head, their hair will grow back in a different colour.
Say what now? We’re pretty sure hair color is determined by genetics, not whether you give your baby a buzz cut.
If you rub a raw egg on your baby’s head, it will make their hair shiny.
Um, we’d rather not be cracking eggs on our baby’s head, thank you very much.
If your baby’s hair stands up straight, it means they’re going to be naughty.
We’re pretty sure that babies are going to be naughty regardless of whether their hair is standing on end or not.
If you cut your baby’s hair during a full moon, it will grow back faster.
Sure, why not? We’ll just add this one to our list of lunar superstitions.
If you cut your baby’s hair before their first birthday, they will never be able to grow a full head of hair.
Uh, no. Just no.
If you don’t cut your baby’s hair until they’re one year old, they’ll be slow to learn to talk.
We’re not sure how these two things are related, but okay.
If you braid your baby’s hair, it will help them sleep better.
We love a good braid as much as the next person, but we’re pretty sure it’s not a magical sleep aid.
If your baby is born with a lot of hair, it means you had heartburn during pregnancy.
Sorry, but we don’t think your baby’s hair is going to tell you anything about your pregnancy heartburn.
If you cut your baby’s hair and bury it in the backyard, it will bring good luck.
We’re not sure what kind of luck you’re supposed to get from burying your baby’s hair, but we’re pretty sure it’s not worth the effort.
If you shave your baby’s head and apply mustard to their scalp, it will help their hair grow faster.
We’re not even going to touch this one.
There you have it, mamas. The top 10 most unbelievable old wives’ tales about baby hair. We hope you got a good laugh out of these, and if anyone tries to tell you that any of these things are true, you can confidently tell them that they’re full of it.